Three Crows Year Two: Anthology of Weird Science Fiction and Fantasy


Editors of Three Crows Magazine selected the most cutting-edge science fiction, fantasy and weird short stories from the second year of the magazine.Our fantasy stories scrutinized politics and the struggle against the state; science fiction delved into the immigration, and healthcare; our horror examined the limits of the human condition and the baggage of fears that we carry generation after generation. We selected newcomers as well as Aurealis award-nominated and Bram Stoker award-considered stories that received wide acclaim in the SFF/H community.Alex Khlopenko and Olivia Hofer continue shaping the landscape of modern SFF literature.


Editors of Three Crows Magazine selected the most cutting-edge science fiction, fantasy and weird short stories from the second year of the magazine.Our fantasy stories scrutinized politics and the struggle against the state; science fiction delved into the immigration, and healthcare; our horror examined the limits of the human condition and the baggage of fears that we carry generation after generation. We selected newcomers as well as Aurealis award-nominated and Bram Stoker award-considered stories that received wide acclaim in the SFF/H community.Alex Khlopenko and Olivia Hofer continue shaping the landscape of modern SFF literature.


“Injustice” by Clayton Snyder

“These Silent Walls” by A.J. Vrana

“Potato Face” by Rhiannon A Grist (Bram Stoker award consideration for best short fiction)

“In Dark Corners and Neglected Places” by Joanna Parypinski

“Death, Collector of Stories” by Archita Mittra

“From Harvest Red to Winter White” by Laila Amado

“Thistle Eşref” By Luke Frostick

“A Past Worth Remembering” by December Cucarro

“You’re About to see this colour everywhere” by Ally Wilkes

“Mr. Quoixie” by Michael Piel

“Even Though You’re No More” by Renan Bernardo

“MRI” by Shona Kinsella

“No Harbour” by Celia Neri

“A Solace of Shadows” by Suzanne J. Willis (Aurealis award nominee for best fantasy short story)

“Nuclear Mysticism” by George Salis

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