Three Crows Magazine Profile

Three Crows Magazine is an online science fiction and fantasy magazine. We have published Skylark-winning, Hugo and BSFA-nominated authors, reviewed the best new science fiction and fantasy books, and interviewed prominent authors and editors.

The online version of Three Crows is read by an average of 12k science fiction and fantasy fans as monthly visitors. Majority of our audience comes from US, UK, and Australia, are largely male, and in 35-44 age bracket.

We have sold hundreds of copies of our magazine's issues and yearly anthologies.


PDF & Epub Print Ad

Full page (8”x10”) $80
Two-thirds page $60
One half page $50
One third page $30
One quarter page $25

Website ads (monthly)

Tall Box (300x500px) $40
Box (300x300px) $25
Half box (300x150px) $20


Placement: All pages for website (home page and all inner pages); Size limit: 300kb; Formats: .jpg, .gif, .png; Colors: CMYK at 300dpi, Open Type Fonts preferred.


We reserve the right to reject any advertisement which does not conform to professional standards of presentation or which appears to be misleading, unethical, or offensive, or which in any way would tend to lower its credibility and/or that of its advertisers.


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